Dr. Bernd Reisbeck
Dr. Manuela Reisbeck
Dr. Alejandro Riquelme Oliveira (Medical Oncology Specialist)
OncoCardiology is a very young branch in the field of Cardiology.
It examines in detail the side effects of oncologic treatments like chemotherapy, immunotherapy and radiation therapy onto the heart and the vascular system.
Recent research has demonstrated that the diagnosis of a cancer disease in itself already increases the cardio-vascular risk of a patient compared to the risk of a diabetes patient. Since oncologic treatments have evolved tremendously in the last few years, cancer is often treatable and will not necessarily reduce life expectancy.
Quality of life and elimination of additional risks for more non-cancer illnesses have become a major aspect of modern oncology (when dealing with cancer patients).
With cardio-vascular illnesses being the number one cause of death in our Western Society, it is more than obvious that close control of the side effects of cancer and cancer therapy must be monitored closely.
Possible secondary conditions can be arrhythmias, especially atrial fibrillation, elevated blood pressure, heart valve calcification and atherosclerosis of coronary arteries, carotid arteries (neck arteries) and abdominal arteries.
The risk involved depends mostly on your prescribed individual treatment.
At CardioCare we work closely with your oncologist and design a follow-up plan for you prior to starting your treatment. You may be asked to see our cardiologists for an ECG, an Echo or a stress test, vascular ultrasound imaging of your arteries. Holter 24h-ECG exams may be necessary on a regular basis.
Our belief at CardioCare OncoCardiology clinic is:
Early detection and early treatment prevent onco-treatment interruption and unnecessary long-term complications
When caught early, most cardio-vascular problems have a therapeutic solution, which can be provided directly by CardioCare.
After all, minimally invasive interventions for all kinds of cardio-vascular diseases are our expertise.
You can book an appointment on-line now or call +34 677 759 003.
If you come to us for the first time, please bring all your previous medical reports and blood tests with you or send them prior to your consultation via e-mail to