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Our Services


At CardioCare we combine the expertise of our internationally trained doctors with state of the art minimally invasive techniques to achieve excellent diagnostic and therapeutic results for our patients.


In addition to our general cardiology consultations, we also offer specialized consultations, aimed at our patients with specific medical needs. Come to us with a symptom and leave with a recommended course of action.



Choose from a list of all conditions we treat.



Choose from a list of all diagnostic tests we perform.



Choose from a list of all treatments we offer



Choose from a list of our special consultants.

Know The Difference

Important heart related symptoms


Most frequent warning signs differ between women and men


Many symptoms related to heart and vascular conditions are not perceived as such by patients who may lose critical time to diagnosis by choosing the wrong medical specialist. Here are a few sample scenarios:

Shortness of breath especially with exertion: 

Risk of coronary artery disease, heart valvular problems, heart insufficiency, 

BUT patient goes to consult a lung specialist (pulmonologist) instead of a cardiologist

Stomach pain, especially related to exercise:

Coronary problem, inferior wall MI (myocardial infarction, or acute heart attack) 

BUT patient goes to consult a gastroenterologist

Dizziness and loss of consciousness (syncopy): 

Life threatening heart arrhythmias 

BUT patient consults a neurologist


Here is a list of the most important symptoms and possible conditions to diagnose:


Don't you agree it is time to take a deeper look into what is the most important asset of your successful life: Your Health!

B.R .      

  > Request an appointment online

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